
The Brahma Kumaris in Canada
Learn more about the BK movement in Canada. Made for International Yoga Day Celebrations at the High Commision of India in Canada.

Good wishes for Nova Scotia
It's been a challenging spring for souls living in Nova Scotia. The impact of the pandemic has intensified as families, communities and our province as a whole have experienced loss on many levels. These meditation commentaries were created to offer good wishes and...
COVID Podcasts: Spiritual Conversations for Present Times
Join us for informal and informative conversations, full of practical knowledge and spiritual wisdom for these challenging times. New conversations are added regularly and all can be accessed on our YouTube playlist. The list of episodes and links can also be found...
Sign up here to receive Daily Thoughts
Every day we send a daily thought to hundreds of souls from around the world. A sample thought is below. If you'd like to join us on the daily journey, please click here, add your email address and check the Daily Thought box, hit subscribe and enjoy! They tried to...

Exploring spirituality at the end of life (video)
Watch an intimate conversation with David Maginley about the spiritual aspects of the death experience. Many of us are accompanying loved ones on their death journey. Understanding the spiritual dimensions of death allows us to be stable and peaceful to help others...